I had started another blog several years ago at http://myfamilyresearchadventures.blogspot.com/, but when google plus ended some how I messed things up and now it is very difficult for me to get into that blog to post. So I decided to start a new blog that I can get to easier.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Samuel E Huyck letter dated 17 November 1865

Betty-Lu Burton

Dear Myrtle is doing a Wednesday morning HOA (hangout on air) on the Quick Lessons of Elizabeth Shown Mills. I know I have not done many of these lessons, but I need to just do what I can and keep plugging along. This week is:
Elizabeth Shown Mills, “QuickLesson 5: Analyzing Records,” Evidence Explained: Historical Analysis, Citation & Source Usage(https://www.evidenceexplained.com/content/quicklesson-5-analyzing-records : accessed 30 Sept 2015).   

Last week was on records from the National Archives of the United States. So this week I will analyze a record I received from NARA.

In my 2great-grandfather Samuel E. Huyck there is a letter that he wrote. I will be looking at this letter.
A copy of the letter follows my analyst of the record.
Although the letter itself does not provide a lot of genealogical information, it does tell us something about Samuel E Huyck. He had very good handwriting. It appears he was well educated by the spelling found in the letter. Even by today's standard he had a good command of spelling and the use of language.
He was discharged on June 2nd 1865, and then arrested at home on the 15 September. He was charged with taking a blanket from the Hospital at camp Dennison. He had been a patient at the Hospital, thus giving another set of records that we might want to look at; Civil War medical records.
He was imprisoned at Relton Barracks in Cincinnati. He felt he was wrongfully imprisoned and he is requesting help. He did not receive a speedy trial and is asking Major General Cose for help in either receiving a trial or being release.
He also shows concern for his family.
So even though we do not find out much genealogical information about Samuel E Huyck, we did find out something about him. He is educated, was wounded, was discharged 2 June 1865, and he had concerned for his family. 

Samuel E. Huyck, letter dated 17 November 1865 from Camp Chase, Ohio to Major General Cose, Commanding District: compiled Military Records (Enlisted, Private, Company E, 38 Regiment, Ohio Volunteer, Infantry) Military Records obtained from NARA, Washington D.C.: copy of records in possession of Betty-Lu Baker Burton

            Camp Chase Ohio
                                                            November 17th 1865
                        Major General Cose
                        Commanding District
                                     I most respectfully
tender this my humble application to
You with the view to draw Your kind
attention to my case.  ~~~~
                     After being honorably
Discharged from the service of the U.S.
on June 2nd 1865 I suddenly was
arrested at home on the 15th of September
by ordre of Brevel Lind Colenel M Dermont
and charged with stealing a Goverment
blanket from the Hospital at Camp
Dennison, where I was a patient suffering
under the effects of wounds received
at the battle of Jonesboro Ga. 1st day
of September 1864.
               I was then forwarded
to Relton Barrarks Cincinnati and
kept in close confinement from there
sent to this Post ,, Guardhouse and
my confinement continnued, without
me ever having received neither a trial
nor a hearing.
               My property being
destroyed by conlfagration lately and
in consequence thereof my family cast
into the world home and penniless
they depending upon my support, while
I am confined under false charges
[page 2]
without there being  hope of ever being
released and restored to liberty and a
suffering family, I most heartly and
respectfully request You Sir to interceed
in my affairs and either order my
trial to come on or be released
     Hoping soon to learn from You
                 I remain Sir
             Very respectfully
             Your obeient servant
                   S.E. Huyck citizen
             of Williams County

[On Bottom and sideways]
Camp Chase Ohio                           Hd. Qrs. Dist. of Ohio
Nov 17 1865                                     Columbus Ohio 21st 65
___________                                 _____________________
Huyck S E                                     Respectfully referal to
Citizen                                           comdy. Offical of Camp
___________                               Chase O. to know whether
Makes application                          Charges have been made
to be released from                        against this man. and
confinement                                   for all the raeonl (?) then
_____________                           is against him.
                                                            By Command of
                                                            Maj Genl. J D Cox
                                                            M C Wilkinson           
                                                            Capt A D C     

1 comment:

  1. Betty - was he ever released? Given a trial? What happened to him? I wouldn't be able to stop at this letter - I would just have to know what happened!
